![]() | *枸杞最適合用來消除疲勞* |
以前膚色真的泛黃 ,現在“黃裡透紅------淡咖啡色,羨慕吧!而且血液循環變好,指頭末梢和嘴唇都不容易乾裂 ,體力也變好,只要持續每天當茶喝兩個月,保證有成果! 美女秘方:枸杞+黃耆+紅棗+數朵菊花+洋蔘. 補了嗎? 那------枸杞+紅棗 - 很棒了!(李心潔都這樣喝喔!) 量隨你抓,煮過會比用泡的效果好!枸杞最適合用來消除疲勞,枸杞能預防動脈硬化及防止老化,還具有溫暖身體的作用。驚人的療效令人讚歎! 枸杞味甘,性平,無毒。《神農本草經》謂「久服堅筋骨,輕身不老」。唐代甄權《藥性本草》謂:「補精氣諸不足,易顏色,變白,明目安神,令人長壽。」這說明枸杞既使人美容,又令人長壽。枸杞為茄科落葉灌木寧夏枸杞 Lycium barbarum L. 的全株。枸杞果又名枸杞子,紅潤甘美,味同葡萄,可作果食。以中國寧夏、甘肅產的為優。根據研究,枸杞果實和根葉含甜菜鹼、多種不飽和脂肪酸、維他命 B1 、B2、C、菸酸、胡蘿蔔素以及微量元素鈣、磷、鐵等。其中枸杞甜菜鹼有抗脂肪肝和保護肝臟的作用。枸杞有降血壓、降血糖的功效。而肥胖人、中老年人多見脂肪肝、高血壓和糖尿病,枸杞能治療這些病,無疑有利於輕身、健美、長壽。枸杞果還能使機體T淋巴細胞增加,增強免疫功能,所以有延緩衰老、耐老的作用。有指春採枸杞葉,名「天精草」;夏採枸杞花,名「長生草」;秋採子,名「枸杞子」;冬採根,名「地骨皮」。《保壽堂方》有服食枸杞返老還童之例,老人堅持長期服食枸杞,除了活到百多歲仍能行走如飛之外,還會髮白返黑,陽事強健,齒落更生。 Wolfberry is a kind of robust vitality and energy of the plant. It is most suitable for treatment of fatigue. It can promote blood circulation; prevent atherosclerosis and liver fat accumulation. Wolfberry contains a variety of vitamins, essential amino acids and linoleum acid to promote the body metabolism, and to slow down aging. Its efficacy covers a wide range, and is often used to cure fever, diabetes, cough and phlegm. Drinking tea made from the wolfberry roots, helps in treatment of physical deficiency, frigid, stomach, liver and kidney diseases, tuberculosis, constipation, insomnia, low blood pressure, anemia, various eye disease, hair loss, stomatitis, skin care and other effects. However, the body warming effect of wolfberry is quite strong warm. Therefore it is not suitable for people with hypertension, high blood pressure or those who have impatient temperament. | Scroll down for English |